Creation Care Lecture
Dr. Jason Borders, Huntingdon College Professor of Religion, will present a guest lecture titled “Created in God’s Image” based on the two accounts of creation found in Genesis and deepening …
We Welcome All who seek a deeper understanding of God and fellowship with other seekers and believers.
We Invite You to join us as together we become the Body of Christ, with many different gifts and talents, each of us unique and made in God’s image and for God’s delight. Join us as we worship God, study Holy Scripture, and engage each other in loving fellowship in Jesus’ name, to become equipped to respond to Jesus’ Great Commission to take the Good News of God’s love for the world into the world.our presence, and there's a place for you here.
Grace Church and Gardens is open to the public daily from sunrise to sunset.
Feel free to come in and stay a while.
We believe that children are an important part of our church family and they are fully welcomed to participate at all church events and activities. Intergenerational fellowship, formation and worship are one of the best parts of our life together. For children specifically, Sunday School (using the Godly Play model) is offered at 9:15.
Children (and grandchildren) are always welcomed to participate in church services, and there are small activity bags they may use for quiet activities.
A nursery for children 4 and under is available in the parish hall building from 9:00 until 12:00.
Episcopal worship follows an ancient pattern that dates to the earliest days of the Christian church. The first half of the Eucharist is the Liturgy of the Word the second half is the Liturgy of the Table, also called Holy Communion. If you've spent time in Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, or Eastern Orthodox churches, much of our liturgy will seem familiar. If you're unfamiliar with liturgical Christian worship, don't worry. You're welcome to participate as fully as is right for you, or to just relax into the liturgy and let the rest of the congregation carry you in worship.
It is your generosity that facilitates the mission and ministry of Grace Episcopal Church. Thank you for your ongoing support.