Holy Eucharist (8:00)
Holy Eucharist, Rite II (spoken word only) in the Sanctuary
Inspired: Adult Formation
This fall we will explore the sweeping narrative of Scripture with Rachel Held Evans as our guide. A former evangelical, Evans subtitled the book Slaying giants, walking on water, and …
Godly Play
The mission of Godly Play is to make meaning through story, wonder, and play and to nurture spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children. Our young …
Whirl: Kid’s Formation
Designed to teach kids how the Bible is relevant to their lives, this lectionary based curriculum is for kids in 4th through 6th grades. A joint class with Pike Road …
Holy Eucharist (10:30)
Holy Eucharist, Rite II (with hymns) in the Parish Hall
WILDflowers Worship
A Sunday evening service on the second Sundays of the month for the wiggly, squirming, dancing, not-so-good-at-whispering among us. Weather permitting, we’ll be outside with a simplified liturgy, guitar music, …