Missional Formation

You can think about Missional Formation in two ways – much of our formation as disciples of Jesus should be reminding us of the great commission (to go and make disciples of all nations), spurring us towards relationships with others as we seek to share with them the joy of being in beloved community. The other is to remember that our mission – at the core of what we do as church, joining the missio dei, the mission of God, at work in the community, should be formative: helping us to grow more deeply in our discipleship, to learn more intimately of the love that Jesus is calling for, to craft more intentionally a life grounded by faith. None of us are finished yet – but it’s the learning, practicing, and growing together that makes us Grace.
Godly Play
The mission of Godly Play is to make meaning through story, wonder, and play and to nurture spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children. Our children …
Whirl Kids’ Class
Designed to teach kids how the Bible is relevant to their lives, this lectionary based curriculum is for kids in 4th through 6th grades. A joint class with Pike Road …
Adult Formation
Sometimes you hear the phrase “practicing Christian.” We could all use practice living into the life Jesus calls us to! Our formation happens in dedicated settings, such as Sunday mornings, …