Music & Choir

The Grace Episcopal Church Adult Choir is both appreciated and loved by the congregation at large. Currently the Adult Choir is made up of 10 dedicated members and led by Choirmaster and Organist Sandra Allen who has trained, inspired and accompanied the choir since 1977.
In addition to leading the congregation in hymns and other service music, the Adult Choir sings a special anthem each Sunday and on special Holy Days from the month of September through Trinity Sunday, which is in May or June. We take a break from rehearsing and singing an anthem during the summer months, when Grace changes from two to one service each Sunday. The choir performs a wide range of musical styles from early composers such as Bach, Handel, and Haydn to 21st century composers.
Instrumentalists perform with the organ and sometimes the choir on Christmas and Easter and on other occasions. These instrumentalists, some of whom are congregation members, play flute, French horn, trumpet, or violin. Their special music enhances the music at Grace.
The choir meets each Wednesday night from 7:00-9:00 to prepare for music offerings for the upcoming Sunday and for special music for the Easter and Christmas seasons and other special days.